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03. Business Process Assessments

We understand that each business is different and can help analyse how to help your business from start to finish. Shawneva Consulting can help your business identify areas of improvement to resolve issues, resulting in efficient workflows, better communication, cost savings and overall improved business performance.


We aim to provide you with world-class service and together we will:


  • Understand your core business objectives

  • Enable development and solution driven results

  • Provide a confidential review of recommendations

  • Achieve smarter work processes

  • Advise on the right IT infrastructure, hardware and software solutions

How is this done?

We will start off by reviewing your existing policies and procedures available for the process we are assessing. These policies and procedures are then benchmarked against industry best practices. our next step is to map out the actual process by interviews and observation of the people involved in the process. 


Using these information we will be able to provide the following:


  • the actual cost per unit / transaction 

  • the red tapes 

  • a more efficient and cost saving procedures

  • Identify the Risk Management and Internal Controls key aspects of the process assessed. 


Most of our clients approach us to conduct Business Process Assessments so that they may use our assessment as a cost benefit when considering a change like automation / IT solutions. 

Request a Price Quote

Contact us so we can conduct an initial no obligation assessment. We have partners in the industry who would also be bale to provide IT Solutions for process automations.

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